Sustainability and economic benefits
go hand in hand.
Steering in the right course. That’s the direction that Jelle follows. In fact, sustainability has been an important part of our operations, right from the very beginning. Not in the least because we enable our partners in the food industry to use their by-products to make raw materials for the compound feed industry. To give an idea of the importance of this to sustainability: in the potato starch and beet sugar industry, originally only 20% of the raw material formed the end product, with 80% being a by-product. Upgrading these by-products to become valuable raw materials is therefore important both in economic terms as well in serving the societal aim of creating a circular society.

Our relationship with sustainability
This goes to the core of our relationship with sustainability. Whether we are selecting the correct means of transport, the agreements we make about the euro class of the lorries we use to transport our products, or the importance we place on sustainable relationships: economic gain and sustainability go hand in hand at Jelle de Vries.

Our partners
Many of our partners follow stringent sustainability programmes. In the food industry, this is often related to water and energy- saving and to restricting the use of pesticides and artificial fertilisers. Combined feed companies are often involved in the effective use of feed and fertiliser. Both of these industries demand high standards for logistics and operate as sustainably as possible. This is where Jelle comes into the picture as a reliable and flexible partner.

Company culture
Our company culture places a high value on the well-being of our employees. We believe that if we treat our people well, they will treat Jelle well. We believe it is important that we are flexible, offer training opportunities and strive for a good work-life balance, enabling our people to perform at their best. Even in that respect, you could say that sustainability and economic gain go hand in hand.